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Five Quick Tips To Help Build Virality Into Your Product


Several years ago, I built a product to spark the viral spread of online content. I began with a ton of research meant to uncover the missing element for the majority of products that have zero virality whatsoever. 

A virus spreads by infecting one host, who then comes into contact with other prospective hosts, infecting some percentage of them as well. They do the same, and the cycle repeats. Viral marketing is similar. A user begins using a product, and through the process of using it, they “infect” others. Thinking about it in this way can help you ditch your preconceived notions of what “viral marketing” means. The tips below can open your mind to even more possibilities.

Viral Collaboration

One way to inject virality deep into the bones of your product is by augmenting product value through collaboration. Ask yourself how your product could become more valuable when collaborators (colleagues, friends, etc.) use it together to achieve a common goal. I call this viral collaboration, and it’s easy to see why. 

Products like Google Drive and Dropbox and great examples of viral collaboration. You can get value from using each product yourself, but there’s different, yet complementary, value from using these products with others. You store files yourself, but you can collaborate on and use those files with others. To users, it never actually feels like they’re marketing these products, even though they are. It simply feels like they’re getting more product value. Something that hinders viral collaboration is when a company charges “per seat.” 

Often when companies have some element of viral collaboration, they charge more for every user who uses the product in an organization. This makes users think twice before sending invites. Some successful companies still do this, but it likely has an impact on their virality.

Viral Satisfaction

One underutilized method of sparking the invite action in a user is to time the ask for an invite more strategically. To do this, try to pinpoint an exact moment in your customer journey in which the user gets filled with positive emotion. One way to do this would be using a tactic I call viral satisfaction.

Viral satisfaction describes a potential viral moment born out of a satisfying interaction with a real human being. If, for example, you have a lights-out awesome customer service team that routinely delivers surprise-and-delight moments, these team members can provide endless opportunities for viral satisfaction. 

Most people expect customer service to be a very lackluster experience. If you’re able to provide an experience that blows their expectations out of the water, it’s likely a perfect moment to ask for a referral. You don’t even need to build technology for this — you can just add it into your standard operating procedures for your customer service team.

Viral Incentives

I categorize some viral engines as “superchargers,” meaning they’re great add-ons to the more foundational engines. One supercharger is incentivized virality. Many founders and growth leads fail at this because they assume a cash reward will work. However, cash has subjective value. For some, $20 is a lot of money. For others, it’s not. Cash incentives often only work when a product’s value lies in sending and receiving money, such as PayPal or Venmo.

If a cash incentive is effective at all, it’s likely only effective for your most cash-strapped users and their friends or colleagues. This may not bode well for you if you’re attempting to turn virally acquired users into paying customers.

Instead, architect your product so that inviting others somehow unlocks additional product value for both the inviter and for the invited. After all, your users came to you to acquire the product value you created. For example, Dropbox’s viral incentive was adding additional free storage space for users who invite others. 

Viral Optimization

When you think about conversion optimization, your focus is often on your sales process. However, there are more things to optimize than just sales. One of these is where and how you ask your users to either send or accept an invite.

Divide your optimization efforts in three ways: the moment, the method and the message. A low-converting invite CTA doesn’t necessarily signal that your offer is bad. You might just be asking in the wrong moment or using a method that doesn’t click with your user. A/B testing can make it more likely for you to discover your best options.

Open Virality

One underutilized viral engine is open virality. This describes a platform that acts as a marketplace. Apple’s App Store is a great example of open virality. App developers list their apps on the App Store. Those developers then pay good money to drive traffic to their app’s listing in the App Store. In doing so, they’re also paying to promote the App Store itself. Apple’s market cap exploded after the release of iTunes and the App Store — two of the most prolific examples of open virality out there.

While you want to increase the viral nature of your own product, it can often be helpful to leverage the viral nature of other products as well. For example, if you offer B2B SaaS, leveraging the open virality of the integration libraries of tools such as Segment or Zapier can drive growth. If you’re teaching a course, posting teasers on sites such as Udemy and Skillshare to leverage their open virality can be just as powerful. Others drive traffic to those marketplaces, and a fraction of that traffic may discover your product, too.

Introduction of Video Marketing

Video marketing is not actually new. Regardless of what you’ve heard and regardless of how much hype there is in video SEO, video conversions, or video sales pages, video marketing as a whole is not exactly a new phenomenon.

Video has always been around. In fact, its marketing potential has always been apparent to a lot of online marketing professionals. You only need to go back to the days of RealPlayer to understand the hype surrounding video marketing even back then.

The truth is video marketing’s promise has always been well known, but what makes today so different is the fact that we now have the technology to deliver on these promises. People have always been talking about how awesome video marketing could be, but it was all just theory. It was all just speculation, opinion, and the facts were not there. The technology was just simply lacking.

Thanks to four major changes, video marketing has become the killer app. It’s always been the once and future king of marketing, but now it is probably wearing its crown thanks to the rise of high-speed yet cheap wireless data transmission. You can actually watch videos on your mobile phone without having to spend an eternity waiting for the video to download completely.

We also have high quality decoding and coding technology that is standardized. In other words, regardless of what device you are watching a video on and regardless of which website you’re viewing, the images will be crisp and the sounds will be crystal clear.

Another technological breakthrough that we have now, involves the price of storage. You have to understand that the video that you’re watching has to be stored somewhere. It has to reside on a series of hard drives. That’s not free. Thanks to modern technology, storage prices have really crashed through the floor. On top of that, the service that people offer to host websites has become cheaper and cheaper.

Given this combination, video marketing has come to its home. It has finally arrived, but here’s the problem. It is quite ironic. The challenge to video marketers nowadays is that video may have been the victim of its own success. The problem now is that there’s so much video out there that most of them simply don’t have an impact. They don’t get people to convert to buyers.

Fact: most YouTube videos have very few views

Have you ever been searching for stuff on YouTube and noticed that there are a huge number of videos that have very few views? That is the fate shared by the vast majority of marketing videos on YouTube and other platforms.

You have to wrap your mind around the fact that modern video marketing is both new and old. Depending on how you navigate these factors, you will either succeed or fail. Either your video is going to convert people into buyers or they’re just going to sit there on YouTube getting zero views.

What’s new?

Modern video marketing involves three new technologies that has really turbocharged its effectiveness. First of all, you can use software to create video. You no longer have to patch together or shoot video content by hand. There is all sorts of software that can help you edit, enhance and even automate the creation of video content.

Also, video marketing content is increasingly plugged into a larger marketing infrastructure. These are the blogs, social media platforms, so on and so forth.

Finally, there are tools out there that would enable you to upload the video that you created without you manually going through all sorts of upload steps. With a few mouse clicks and a few key strokes, you can massively distribute your video.

Sounds awesome right? Well, don’t get ahead of yourself. A lot of marketers think that it’s all about technology and that as long as they have the right tools, video marketing will pretty much take care of itself. Absolutely wrong. How come?

You have to pay attention to the old elements that sill remain alive in video marketing. Lose sight of these and you're going to fail. These factors remain. You have to build a brand. You have to create a human connection with your prospects. Most importantly, you still have to walk people through the KLT (know-like-trust) buying process.

Without these old elements, all of your videos, as awesome as they may seem on the surface, simply won’t be able to do the job. Sure, you may get sales every once in a while, but that’s not the kind of income you’re looking for. You want videos that close the deal on a consistent basis, but that’s just not going to happen if you disregard the old rules of salesmanship.

These old rules worked in the past, they’re working now, and they’ll continue to work long into the future. This training steps you through the mystery of modern video marketing so you can set it up to maximize your ROI. This training is based solidly on the interweaving of the new and old factors that make up modern video marketing.

The bottom line actually hasn’t changed all that much. Just like with any other type of marketing, return on investment is crucial. This training has a slight twist however. I’m also going to dwell on, to some extent, the concept of return on effort. Your job is to spend as little time doing something while getting as many dollars out of that activity as possible.

Online Viral Marketing Secrets Cheat Sheet


Learn How to Maximize Your Visibility With Less Effort!

Step 1: Save time and money by deciding NOT to do this

Stop coming up with new viral content

✓ Just because you think it is hot and ‘will go viral’ won’t necessarily mean it will...

✓ Can be expensive in terms of time and money

The Better way to market viral content

✓ Pick tried and proven winners

✓ Share to get eyeballs

✓ Add CTA to “filter” eyeballs to NICHE audience members

Step 2: Adopt this GENERAL STRATEGY: 2 Step Trick

STEP 1: Find what’s hot

✓ Filter based on ‘nearness’ in interest to your niche

STEP 2: Share viral content to drive CONVERSIONS

✓ Share on your blog

✓ Use these to pull traffic

✓ “Convert” with your newsletter or INTERNAL blog page

Step 3: Find Hot Content

✓ Get massive list of your target niche keywords

✓ Find social media accounts that target these keywords

✓ Filter based on niche-specificity

Find and poach your competitors’ or niche fans’ viral content

✓ Filter all content based on social media signals re virality (shares / retweets)

Step 4: Maximize Niche Targeting for your Curated Content

Create niche-targeted headlines for curated content

Create niche-targeted descriptions or commentary for curated content

Tag niche-targeted hashtags

Step 5: Remember to Protect yourself when Sharing Others’ Content

The power of CTTO

Make sure to give proper attribution

Make sure to COMMENT on the content

✓ How fair use doctrine works (commenting)

✓ Don’t use the whole content

✓ Direct to source (link)

Step 6: Republish on Facebook groups and other pages

Republish using Hootsuite or other auto-publisher

✓ Space out the republishing by weeks if not months

Why republish?

✓ Get many bites at the apple

✓ Recycle the appeal of your content

✓ Give your fans ‘new’ content

Always include a link to your CONVERSION PAGE with your curated viral content

✓ Conversion page = mailing list

✓ Conversion page = FB page

Post your FB pages’ urls on niche-related FB groups

✓ Do so only after you’ve engaged group members

✓ Establish credibility first

FB Viral Content Strategy

✓ Share viral content on Groups to drive likes to FB page

✓ Auto-publish content on FB page to maximize eyeballs on conversion page

✓ Get clicks on conversion page and get more list members

✓ Auto-publish email updates and get CONVERSIONS passively (ie., drive traffic to blogs and convert through ad clicks or drive traffic to ads and convert through sales)

Step 7: Re-share viral content on Twitter

Post the viral content on your Twitter timeline

✓ Tag niche influence leaders

✓ Use hashtags

✓ Rotate hashtags

Fill up your Twitter feed using autopublishing tools like Hootsuite

✓ Rotate hashtags

Do this while autopublishing

✓ Find your competitors’ accounts

✓ Follow their most ACTIVE followers

✓ How “Follow me / I follow You” works

Focus on this strategy

✓ Auto-publish only niche-specific viral content

✓ Build an organic following of niche-specific followers by reverse engineering your competitors’ following

✓ Get niche followers to see niche-specific content to drive CONVERSIONS

Step 8: Check your stats and scale up your most successful content

Step 9: Find what works .......... and do more of it!

The Dream of Internet Marketing

Here’s what the internet marketing lifestyle can be, if you know how to do it the right way… For starters, internet marketing can mean having your own business that you take great pride in. 

Imagine being able to hand out cards with your own branding on them, imagine having your own headed letter paper. 

Imagine employing staff or freelancers and being successful enough to making life better for your family. It’s a great feeling to be financially successful, of course. 

But being financially successful through your own grit and inventiveness – that’s a whole other level. It's just a fantastic feeling when you’re at a party and someone asks you: what do you do for a living? And you get to tell them: ‘I run my own online business’. You’ll have your own digital empire and you’ll feel like an absolute boss. 

Working online can also give you the amazing freedom that comes from being self-employed. I recently decided that I was going to take Wednesdays off. Why? Because I can! This way, I only ever have to work two days in a row and I have a day of complete freedom when everyone else is at work. This allows me to run personal errands (banks and hair dressers are empty) and to enjoy being able to play computer games or go on nice walks without any social commitments either! 

More importantly, it allows me to work on my own projects. To work ‘on’ my business rather than ‘in’ it, so that I always feel a sense of forward momentum and so that I’m always progressing the business. This freedom also affords you a range of other options. If you are worried about the health implications of a job that involves just sitting down all day for instance, then you can get around this issue by making sure you go to the gym every morning before you start work.

Better yet, you now also have the freedom to work wherever you want. How about becoming a digital nomad and working on the move? You can see the world while working out of small cafes and bars along the beaches. Alternatively, you might decide you like your creature comforts too much and decide to create an awesome home office that you can be highly productive in. 

If you take this to the absolute extreme, then you can find ways to streamline your business or to get it to run itself. That way, you can earn a purely passive income, meaning that you’ll earn money even when you’re sleeping or up in the air flying to your destination. Imagine waking up richer?

Your Talking Business Card - the Swiss Army Knife of Marketing


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The Swiss Army knife has been present in space missions carried out by NASA since the late 1970s. In 1978, NASA purchased of 50 Swiss Army Knives known as the Master Craftsman model. Astronaut Gary Payton was seen using the Master Craftsman Swiss Army knife in space. 

Swiss Army Knives will never go out of style. From kids to grownups, there is nothing cooler than having A WHOLE TOOLKIT in your pocket, ready to go at a moment’s notice. Over 25 Million Swiss Army Knives are manufactured each year.

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The coronavirus has changed the outlook for small business owners almost overnight. The global outbreak has impacted the economy and job security.It will have game-changing ramifications. 

There will be sectors, companies and workers that may benefit from this near-tragedy. Unfortunately, we will also witness industries that are severely harmed. People in these areas will lose their jobs and will have extreme difficulties finding new ones.   Read On